Friday 3 December 2010


Media Homework          Sheneka Walcott-Nelson            10J

A car:
A car for a woman could be advertised feminine by showing a woman getting into a family car to take her children to school.
A car for a man could be advertised male by showing a man with a black suit getting into his car with a woman in the passenger seat and he drives off really fast in a sports car.

Bottled beer:
Bottled bear could be advertised as feminine by showing a woman going into a bar ordering a beer in a sexual way and having all the guys in the bar staring at her.
Bottled bear could be advertised a feminine by showing a man going into a bar and ordering a beer in a very manly way.

Trainers can be advertised feminine by showing a woman wearing a pair of trainers running in them, or walking in them.
Trainers can be advertised male by showing a man walking to work in them or going for jog in them.

An IPod:
An IPod can be advertised feminine by showing a woman listening to a female song or walking to work and trying to find the right song to listen to.
An IPod can be advertised male by showing a man listening to rock music or a male kind of music on a train whilst he’s on his way to work.

Deodorant could be advertised feminine by having a woman put on the deodorant in the morning, doing things like taking the children to school and still smelling nice, running to work and still having arm pits sweat free and then running up the stairs in her work place and still smelling nice with sweat free arm pits and then getting home to her children with sweat free arm pits.
Deodorant could be advertised male by having a man also putting on his deodorant in the morning and then going to work doing a various of things like running up the stairs and running for a bus and then when he gets home he goes home to Arm pits that are sweat free.

Cigarettes could be added feminine by having a group of women going into a shop and buying a pack of cigarettes and then going outside to smoke them.
Cigarettes could be advertised male by showing a man buying a pack of cigarettes and then smoking them in his black sports car.

power point

power point

power point

power point

power point